Friday, September 2, 2016

And so it begins......

I've always been a big boy. 

Tallest in my grade, biggest too. I hit my final height of 6'7" (Just over 2m for the rest of the world) at the age of 22. Before that I was a measly 6'5" (still about 2m). 

I was a bouncer from the age of 18-28 and that kept me reasonably in shape then I made the career transition to IT, which only keeps people in the shape of round. 

Now, in my middle age, I stand and 430lbs (195kg) and find it's time to make some changes in my life to halt the transition from upside down pyramid to over-ripe pear.

The first of those changes.

The plan is to get 30 mins of bag work in 3-4 times a week. More will be added (i.e. sit-ups, push-ups, steps...) as I get back into the swing of working out. This blog is mainly to keep myself on track. If you're reading it, you're either me (hi, rock!) or someone who me thinks rocks at or near the same level. Now for the ugliness......the "before" pictures. The horror that starts it all.

The beginning.....

I'll clean my room next time.
Good luck, me.

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