Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Road so Far......

The wayward son is trying to carry on....

Ok, so we're about a month in to actually doing something about losing weight. Only 5 months behind schedule....not too shabby.

Anyway, I'm down about 20 lbs (9kg to you non-murcans), which for a normal sized person would translate into 2-5lbs (1-2kg, again for the freedom haters). Don't feel much different. I would pay well above market value for a piece of Portillos' chocolate cake, or even a bag of Skittles.

Baked in the ovens of the Gods....

The job has been a bit wonky lately (because extra stress while trying to diet is super helpful), but there does seem to be an end to the tunnel in sight. Hopefully it isn't a freight train or, worse, the ground rushing up at us.

Time will tell.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Screw that guy in particular....

Okay, day 2 of trying to halt my progression from Boba Fett to Jabba the Hutt.

Bring me Solo and the Wookie.....and a side of mashed potatoes.

Yesterday I found an unopened box of peanut butter cups, and not just the normal ones but the trees, in my desk. After briefly considering inhaling the entire box, I gave them to my rail-thin, vegetarian co-worker. Today, I'm seriously considering shanking a bitch to get them back.

Reese's Trees, second only to the Easter Eggs in the peanut butter cup Pantheon.

On top of this; my office, which never does anything, ordered pizza for everyone. Deep-dish pizza. I had to get up and move to a conference room so I couldn't smell it anymore. If I can make it through this week I should be good.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Bob Ross meal "Not a mistake, just a happy accident"

Yeah yeah yeah......I was supposed to start this crap months ago but I suck so here I am. 

 Anyway, in preparation for the upcoming food dirge I'm testing out some new recipes. I wanted to make a braised brisket with cabbage salad, but brisket was crazy expensive so a chuck roast was substituted. Then, on the night I made it, my son was sick so I figured the broth would do him good as a soup. And that looked really, really, freaking good. So I took the cabbage salad, put it at the bottom of a bowl, and ladled broth and shredded roast over top. This is a keeper. 

 What you'll need: 

1 -  bulb garlic 
1 - large yellow onion 
1 - poblano pepper 
1 - 3-4lb chuck roast 
32oz beef broth 
1 - head read cabbage 
lemon juice 
balsamic vinegar 
1 Large Crock Pot 

Prep and Cooking:

Season the chuck roast with salt and pepper to taste. Cut up the onion and put half in the bottom of the pot along with half the garlic that you have peeled and smashed/chopped. Put the roast on top of that and then top with the other half of the onion and garlic. Cut the Poblano pepper in half and deseed/remove the seams. Chop the pepper into small pieces and put on top. Pour the broth around the edges and it should cover the roast (don't pour over the top our you'll splash all your seasoning off). Cook on low for 8 hours. Remove the roast from the pot, shred it, then put it back in the broth.

Before serving, shred the red cabbage in a bowl and toss with salt, lemon juice and a bit of balsamic vinegar to taste. 

To Serve:  

Put some cabbage mix in the bottom of a bowl and top with the contents of the crock pot. 

 Big sorrys for not having pictures. Again, this whole meal was an accident. I'll try and remember, next time I make this, and add some.