Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Screw that guy in particular....

Okay, day 2 of trying to halt my progression from Boba Fett to Jabba the Hutt.

Bring me Solo and the Wookie.....and a side of mashed potatoes.

Yesterday I found an unopened box of peanut butter cups, and not just the normal ones but the trees, in my desk. After briefly considering inhaling the entire box, I gave them to my rail-thin, vegetarian co-worker. Today, I'm seriously considering shanking a bitch to get them back.

Reese's Trees, second only to the Easter Eggs in the peanut butter cup Pantheon.

On top of this; my office, which never does anything, ordered pizza for everyone. Deep-dish pizza. I had to get up and move to a conference room so I couldn't smell it anymore. If I can make it through this week I should be good.

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